授权翻译【House MD同人】Misery
TITLE: Misery
AUTHOR: Captain Devine
Permission: Hello! Yes, you may translate "Misery", all I ask for is credit. --Divine
SUMMARY: House responds to Wilsonˇs speech about his misery.
PAIRINGS: Wilson/House
SPOILERS: Need to Know (2x11)
DISCLAIMER: If I could buy House, M.D. with $3.25, Iˇd own it. But Iˇve only g
ot $3.20.
A/N: A friend dared me to make a list of every colour shirt Wilson has worn and the corresponding times in which he wears them for seasons one and two.
I did it, and came across the ending for Need to Know again, and was in the mood for some pointless slash.
The first line is what Wilson says at the end of the episode.
"Being miserable doesn't make you better than anybody else, House. It just makes you miserable," Wilson 道,棕色的眼眸失望地凝視著House。
Wilson 嘆一口氣,轉回去樓梯的方向。
House 急速的道:「等一下。」同時握緊了 Wilson 的手。
皮膚的接觸令 Wilson 一下子屏住了呼吸,然后轉回去接觸 House 的視線。
House 看了他一會兒,觀察著 Wilson 臉上的表情,迷惑,憤怒,憂懼…等情緒全都都流露在他的臉上。
「你是對的。」House 終於開口道,手放在 Wilson 的臀上。"But being miserable makes everyone else feel better about themselves." House 閉上眼,給 Wilson 輕柔的一吻。他可以感覺到 Wilson 緊绷著唇,全身僵硬,但他沒有推開House。
對他們來說,時間好像過了很久,但實際上只是過了幾秒而已。House 開始了解到他做了甚麼惷事,但他被一個意料之外的事件帶回去現實。
Wilson 回吻了他。
過了一段時間後,他們放開彼此,但仍捉著對方。House 發現自已在笑,而 Wilson 也在笑。
"Only you could find love in misery," Wilson說,再一次吻了House。
PS 有兩句我保留原文沒譯,1. I am lazy, 2. 原文好像比較有味道。
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